Binion's Casino formerly Binion's Horseshoe

Poker Tables:
6 Tables
Minimum Age:
FireNResQ wrote a review about Binion's in Las Vegas, NV

My worst poker experience in Vegas, EVER!!!!

Tables ok. Minimal wear. Some chairs were on rollers and had adjustable height/seat backs. (The chairs were the only + I found at this room. Temperature was ungodly hot. Was there in in early April and the room felt like early August. Was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and wished I could sit at the table in my underwear it was so hot.

Pretty average crowd. All stacks where very shallow (about $100) so don't expect to make a ton when you make a big hand.

Saw no real mistakes.

They serve drinks?

The worst in Vegas.

#1 Did nothing when there was a player at the table out of line. This guy was cursing at everyone, making obsene gestures. When another player talked to the manager about it, he did nothing. We didn't find this out till after another player felted the guy for all his stack and was forced to leave.

#2 Made a small mistake of my own. Didn't hear another players all in (because of iPod) and put $25 in the pot. Asked if I was allowed to pull it back. Dealer called the manager over. Instead of a simple yes or no the manager instantly started yelling at me, and I mean YELLING. "NO IT WAS YOUR FAULT, THOSE CHIPS STAY IN. EITHER COMPLETE THE CALL OR FOLD YOUR CARDS." Mind you, during this, I never said a word to the manager, the dealer asked him if I was allowed. (I wasn't upset with the ruling, just the managers reaction, and him talking down to me.)

These guys have no clue on the words "Customer Service"

Have no idea nor do I care!!!! (see Manangement Rating)

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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