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Temporarily Closed (All Day)
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rbenford wrote a review about Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV

The Fall of Caesars Poker

Probably no current LV poker room has fallen further than Caesars. For years it was the premier place to play cash or tourneys. It sported a spacious contained rooms.

The descent began with the opening of the Omnia Nightclub 6 1/2 years ago leading to the closing of the replacement of a closed space with the current poker corral--open to the noise, smoke & chaos of the casino floor. But it get worse. The tables are crammed so close together that you are guaranteed to get bumped frequently.

And imagine playing poker on a glass or slate surface. The felt on the tables is so worn that you cannot pick up your cards without long fingernails.

The chips are worn, cheap, small, and include 2 colors that blend together. When I mistakenly called a 1200 bet (tourney) with 1600 due to the similarity of the 100 and 500 chips, the dealer chided me for the error.

I wouldn't play at Caesars again if it was the last poker room in Vegas. Fortunately there are many better places to play.

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