Poker Tables:
18 Tables
Temporarily Closed (All Day)
Minimum Age:
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
photoc wrote a review about Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV

The Nuts

One of the finest rooms in the city. The chairs were comfy and adjustable. The tables were a bit on the small side. They are replacing the betting lines as they are about 3 inches from the rail. Lots of room to move around, small tables available to hold your drinks as well. It's not over the top with the design at all which is a plus. The downside, there is no rail or casino access. The entrance is a hallway near the sports book that says POKER over the top of it. You dont get any wandering tv watchers coming by unless they are going to the sports book.

Most all were locals on opening day. Tight rockish, a few gamboolers. I'm sure this will change as time goes on to be a more mix of people.

This place has some of the best dealers in town. All were experienced. A few blemishes here and there, but overall they were good.

Service time was good. Red Bull in a can. As for the looks...It's a complete 180 of Wynn. Most were on the older side to say the least.

For being opening day, these guys did a great job. Questions were answered correctly and timely. List management was effecient with the computerized setup. Was even thanked for coming in.

$1/hr on Connection Card. No high hands, no bad beats, no food.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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