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Dwolf026 wrote a review about Encore Boston Harbor in Everett, MA

1-3 No Limit played like 5-10NL

I've noticed the competition at Encore for the 1-3 NL tables plays more like 2-5NL or even 5-10NL. Letting players buy-in for a MAX of 500 is WAY too much. Alot of wreckless play by the competition. My second hand today someone pushed all in PREFLOP for 500$ with pocket 6's......with 3 dollars in the middle. Someone actually called with J-10.. .The 6's held up. Seeing a flop for less than 20 was rare. The days of buying in for 100 or 200 are over the way the 1-3 tables are played at Encore and it's because of the 500 dollar buy-in. I get it, ITS GAMBLING....but that's why there are DIFFERENT and higher stakes. A good opening pre-flop bet should be 8-12 bucks.....but not the players at Encore....that same 8-12 dollar bet that would be good at a Max 300 buy-in is 25-35 dollars just to see a flop...I watched over and over people betting 20xs the pot....people playing crap....and calling with crap. Guess I'll just have to ride two hours down to Foxwoods because the gameplay was stupid at Encore.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

Announcements from Encore Boston Harbor

EBH Poker is Open 24 Hours Every Day!

Evening Tournament Canceled on Jan 20

January Promotions
Sun High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Mon High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes
Mon Jan 20 High Hand
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Tue High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Wed High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Thu High Hands
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes

Sat High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes

January Tournaments-Registration opens 1 hour Before Tournament Starts,
No Tournament at 5:15pm on Jan 20

Mon-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Tue-5:15pm $340 $100 Bounty
25k Chips/25 Min Levels,

Registration closes at 6:45pm

Wed -10:15am $240 20k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

Wed-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Fri- 10:15am $420 30k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

BadBeat Jackpot: $21,916.10

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