Muckleshoot Casino

Poker Tables:
19 Tables
Minimum Age:
SeatownSniper wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA

are they trying to shut down their poker room?

Wow, unbelievable did the offer their poker room manager a bonus if he was able drive all the poker players away? It is astonishing that there is a poker room 10 miles away that has been crushing it. It wouldn't be too hard to copy a winning business plan. I play 70 a 80 hours a month there and over a 100 2 of the last 4 months. They didn't even communicate a change in their promotion reducing it to 400 payout an hour while the competition is giving 1000 minimum in high hands per hour. How do they expect draw away from the competition? I only have experience I. The player side of the industry not the management side but it sure appears to be poorly managed.

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Recent Muckleshoot Casino Reviews

Jhp wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA


I think some of the new reviews are a little harsh. That being said, it's not a great room. Promotions (and payout... Read More