Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
LukeSLTS wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

Ummmm..... I think it was good

Well the three tables of this room are all stud tables so the most people that they can comfortably fit is eight. The tables are right by the main casino entrance so you get a good view for people watching and sometimes get groups of people watching you.

I sat down at an empty table at about 9:30am and slowly one by one the table filled with players. The game was 1-5 spread limit and there were some typically bad players at the game but nobody there was a complete nutcase. The play sometimes bordered on tight due to there being only a single $1 blind.

The two poker room employees took turns being the dealer and the floor/chip runner. Both were very energetic and maintained a good game. Their personalities fit the room well.

Though they don't offer to shelf liquor the waitress was bringing the drinks so fast that I couldn't keep up with her. I would rate the quality of drinks average but the service bumps it up one notch.

Like I said the dealers were the managers too. Since there is no sign up desk things are informal but the dealer who isn't in the bos did a good job of recruiting players.

I don't know if they give comps, I didn't bother asking.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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