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PokerSimp wrote a review about Parq Vancouver in Vancouver, BC

Managers are VERY unprofessional

2 managers are yelling at 1 pit boss supervisor. And then they move on to the 2nd, and 3rd and so on. It takes 2 of these cowards yelling at supervisors to get their point across???

No wonder all the staff here is miserable. Morale must be very trash if MANAGERS are doing something like that. I could hear them all the way from my 1-3 table

And then to make their point they keep sending the guy manager to micro manage. If the company is so desperate to watch people at least do it on the cameras where its not so obvious

I also hear the company wanted to offer a 20 cent raise to the dealers before the government announced a $1 minimum wage increase... and making that 20 cent raise useless (LOL)

Parq so desperate to be cheap that they don't have a full time poker manager (or have any poker manager at all)... but they can afford to send the other managers that know 0% of what's going on in a day to day basis

This is such an embarrassment for a multi- million dollar company... I seriously wish that your employees find better jobs where they're treated with respect. That way this company will really get the employees it deserves

The best part is? The managers are mad that employees talk to us players on their break

Go figure that one out

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