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MC NUMNUTS wrote a review about Parq Vancouver in Vancouver, BC

RIP Gino Odjick

The rock of this town's poker community has left for the spirit world. Gino was the only guy in the room (when he played regularly) whose word was as good as he spoke, management included.

Way back before he got sick he got stacked one evening, returning from the bank machine he explained that because of hockey, his brain wasn't so fast and he had forgotten his wallet at home. I lent him some cash and he promised he would repay promptly; Next morning at 8am Gino phones me,'Got your money, here at casino waiting to for you.' No other poker player like Gino.

When this place went sour in 2012 I ended up in Burnaby playing overnight/early mornings with Gino. More than once he gave the loser his money back because he felt bad for the guy. Then one day he wasn't there, never did come back.

Saw him in 2020 here, he looked aged but healthy. Gino was a good friend, wish him well.


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