Poker Tables:
11 Tables
Minimum Age:
moi2033 wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV

My favorite

I found the PH poker room to be a good size. It' only one year old so every thing is in good shape. But missing some auto-shufflers. And it's noisy at night with the piano guy on the other side of the room

I played 1/2NL and felt like most of the players at the table were average. THere were always 2-3 local, 3-4 tourists who know how to play poker and 1-2 novices.

Very friendly, only saw one misdeal in over 30 h of play.

They were good looking. The service was generaly good but it depends how crowded was thw room

Nice and professionnal

They have sone high hand jackpots but it is founded by the players. I won 150 $ for quad Queens. But my wife and I probably founded that amount durring our 30 h of play. I would be nice to have a food comp program.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

Recent Planet Hollywood Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV


The PH Poker room should be renamed a Poker Area instead. Poker at PH can be found in a roped off area of the casino... Read More