Poker Tables:
11 Tables
Minimum Age:
llama-hooters wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV


Most comfortable room in all Vegas. Good and floor and great dealers.

Everyone always seems in great spirits and in the mood to donk chips..........

Always a great time as I don't see dealers hustling tips and such when someone accidently forgets to mistakes.
Everyone in this room is always talking about Jager shots!

No matter how much everyone talks about jager...........don't do it.
Girl was fast

I've known these guys for awhile, and they know what they are doing. The pride themselves on everyone having a good times. Always giving special treatment to strippers or little Eddie's MOM!

Everyonce in awhile I get a sandwich or coffee at Starbucks. Starbucks is right next to the poker room. try the seasonal drinks.....

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Planet Hollywood Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV


The PH Poker room should be renamed a Poker Area instead. Poker at PH can be found in a roped off area of the casino... Read More