Nice small room. Everything is in good shape and the room has a friendly feel. The vibe is inviting rather than intimidating. This is a room that I would definitely return to.
I think the average player here is simply a Las Vegas tourist who probably knows about as much as the next guy. I felt like as a tourist these were people more or less like myself and that is what I was looking for --- similar bankroll, similar knowledge, similar expereince level.
The dealers were nice and ran the games well. They clearly understood that many of the players were less experienced and never seemed bothered in reminding people to post blinds or in explaining how much a raise was required to be, etc.
The waitress came by frequently. I drank only water, so can't comment on the qaulity of the cocktails.
I was in the room twice over two days with different sets of managers in the room each time. Both were very nice and ran the room and tournaments well. All greeted you with a smile and their full attention.
$2 an hour. About as good as it gets.