Tables too close together. Tough to get around. PA system for paging players on the waiting list is awful (can barely hear your name called when you're standing in the room). This was a room that felt rich and it knew it. I come here solely because the 1-2 players are terrible and I always make money.
Most players here "thought" they knew what they were doing, but that's about it. When I first sit down, I always get the impression that the table is tough, players are contemplative and decent...but after a few orbits I'm always reminded the opposite. Most of these players just have more money than me, and they think they know how to win. You might endure a couple beratings from players (I did) for flopping a set and beating their TPTK, but when you're scooping their chips you don't really care. Just smile, shrug your shoulders and say "I got lucky".
No personalities. Not friendly. I got the feeling they all hated their jobs. But they kept games moving with very few mistakes, and that's top priority to me.
Mostly pretty girls. Promptness was so-so. All my drinks came out as ordered. It's a big room and it's hard to maneuver...they get consideration for that.
I think those guys are actually starting to loosen up a bit. I saw 2 of them actually crack a smile and laugh. One even STARTED conversation with me while I was playing and the other was making jokes. As a lowly 1-2 player, you don't see that often in this room.
Standard strip comps...I assume. They helped pay for my meal at Aria my last night in town.