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Temporarily Closed (All Day)
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slowlew wrote a review about Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV

Blinds take too big a jump in daily tourney.

Here in town for WSOP and like to try smaller tny while here. Tny was well run and the dealers were above average.

What I didn't care for was how sharply the blinds increased. 100-200, 200-400, 400-800, 800-1600.

Don't know what they went up to after that, because I was moved from one table to the other and had back to back big blinds. $3200 was 1/3 of my chips. 10k was significant 2 rounds earlier.

The entire time that I was there I could not log on to their wifi. I mentioned it to the manager and she came and looked at my phone and tried to log on and then realized I wasn't making it up. She said she would have somebody reset it for the next half hour or so I kept trying and nothing ever came of it.

the crazy blinds were enough to keep me from coming back, but not having one if I probably would have done the same

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