Poker Tables:
11 Tables
Minimum Age:
RomanCandle wrote a review about Flamingo in Las Vegas, NV

Bugsy's Dream

Good location, but it's hard to be comfortable in old chairs at a 10-handed table.

Good action on the weekends. Might be nitty during off-hours though.

Very good and fun to chat with.

Not the best-looking, but they get the job done.

Friendly and quick like the dealers and waitresses.

$1/hr and a drop for freerolls and convoluted high-hand bonuses. Not my thing at all.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Flamingo Reviews

jpoul wrote a review about Flamingo in Las Vegas, NV

flamingo fun

great room for fun and friendly action. quality dealers who are here year after year . games move along well and if... Read More