Poker Tables:
11 Tables
Minimum Age:
photoc wrote a review about Flamingo in Las Vegas, NV

Wish it was more of a ROOM, but was nice anyways

The room really wasn't a room. Just a section of the casino floor that they put tables in. No rail or ropes around the edge except a short (lenthwise) wall near table 1. The tables were good quality. Only 2 standard 21" tv's that I noticed were available.

Lots of 2/4 games running on a weekend with 1 no limit game. The NL had a bunch of locals and 1 or 2 tourists, but the 2/4's were all tourists. The competition was the most average I've seen in town so far.

I will have to say that the dealers here were quick for the most part, friendly, and accurate. Didn't notice any mistakes and they tried to maintain order as much as possible even with the drunks there on a weekend.

The service was fast and friendly. The servers were average looking at most, but the service more than made up for it. Add the looks and this place gets a 5.

The room manager found seats or got people on lists as soon as they arrived at a desk. No F'in around when it came to filling seats either. Timely and efficient.

ZERO COMPS! Nothing, nadda, zip, zilch. But they do have a high hand board or some sort. All the high hands for the day go up on a board if you're one of the current top 3. Then you still have to come back in 1 or 2 days to claim your prize.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Flamingo Reviews

jpoul wrote a review about Flamingo in Las Vegas, NV

flamingo fun

great room for fun and friendly action. quality dealers who are here year after year . games move along well and if... Read More