The tables and chairs were fine, I just feel the open air and location near all the clubs make this room too noisy and annoying. Though that is a plus somewhat, because of club going drop-in players who will blow buyins before hitting the club.
Played 1/2NL and 2/5NL, games borderline tough to insanely easy. Its really luck of the draw how you get seated or who gets seated wiht you. I feared no table, out of eight sessions I only left loser twice and it was only a half buyin loss. Mix of experianced to completely unexperianced, one session everyone would at least have the basics down and maybe two good players. Next session no good players and 3-4 didn't even know how or when to post blinds.
Nothing special, some mispitches here and there. No gross errors though. Dealers were about 50/50 attitude wise, and majority seemed to run the games good at least evne if they were stiffs.
P.S.- I want a social dealer in these lower games it encourages the inexperianced players and makes them feel more comfortable
I don't even remember if she was hot, but she brought me beers quick like, all night. Good enough for me.
They warmed up to me after a few days, though the first few times I caught some attitude when trying to get put on the lists. No floor decisions to speak on.
Didn't get card.