Muckleshoot Casino

Poker Tables:
19 Tables
Minimum Age:
doublekyan wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA

Wow! Train your dealer's( seriously )

I ended the tournament late in the morning I sit down they make me post a chip I've never done that before no problem I'm under the gun plus to put my 100 ship because it was a 100 big blind middle position raises to 300 it goes call then another call then the small blind says 200 and puts out 600 the big blind snap call 600 it gets to me in a heartbeat and she says 502 call and I said wait a minute what just happened here stop the train you can't allow a player to announce 201 the raise is already 300 anyhow and then he puts out 600 she says why I know what he meant I said so can I do that too and I just put different amounts out and mean different stuff and she says no I say okay well then why is he so special. Floor comes out and says he wants to hear it from the dealer absolutely no problem I'm curious too well the dealer said exactly what took place and I looked at the guy and I said exactly so he announced 200 which means he cannot raise and the floor reluctantly agreed with me and I was blown away with two other dealers if one person raised and then got a color and then another player goes all-in for even one chip over the Rays amount they were allowing the initial razor to isolate with an all-in and this happening at me and I looked at the dealer and I said what are we doing and she said he's going all-in and then other players are agreeing that this is okay and I'm like you know what I have time for this I'm calling anyhow but what the f*** are you serious so I don't even waste my time with the floor because this was actually the third time that this happened. I will say that a lot of the players are very soft and they're calling machines and that's from the morning Rags that I can tell our Rags you can just tell and fro you online players that cry rigged it doesn't matter the cards going to keep coming the way they were because I took some massive bad Deeds that we're close to Jackpot style and that's the way it goes but this poker room gets one star for me because I can't put zero and if I can I guess they got lucky to get one. train your dealers please

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Recent Muckleshoot Casino Reviews

Jhp wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA


I think some of the new reviews are a little harsh. That being said, it's not a great room. Promotions (and payout... Read More