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Lanapoker2 wrote a review about Commerce Casino in Los Angeles, CA

Poker games are not meant for full time players

1st time at commerce. Here are some information that I wish someone told me prior to coming

1. If you normally play 1/2 nl with a $200 bankroll, you will need to play 3/5 instead. And 2/5 $500 bank roll is 5/5 nl at commerce

2.The only table that makes logical sense to play is 5/5 NL with the buy in up to $500. Although this means you are committed to the small blind already, the stack/betting ratio is more promising than any other table. This is why 5/5 nl is the only one with the biggest active tables running. [Also if you do this, there’s no need to really read the rest of my tips as it’s basically normal 2/5 play but slightly more aggressive. :) ]

3. (If you decide to come and play 1/2,2/3.or 3/5) There is ZERO fold equity when it comes to preflop raises. Because of the low buy ins and high rakes, all limpers will call any bets preflop.

4. Because of the low capped buy ins, there is alot of action but you will have players that will keep hands that normally would fold in the same circumstances.

5. The $6 rake plus $8 SB/BB per orbit will eat your stack slowly, so be committed to any hand you decide to play. And apply more risk on your BB position. ( this will cost 14% of your initial $200 stack if you fold your BB)

6. Homeless people Play at this casino due to the very low buyins ($20) .

7. No comps and all drinks must be paid for, including soft beverages

8. These games you can't apply normal strategies which may cause your game to be thrown off

9. These games are meant for quick lottery money and bounce. Grinding here longer you will indefinitely lose money.

10. This is a place to play higher levels than usual due to the low buy ins and all in action.

Overall I did well (luckily haha) and stayed for 7 hours but out of the 16 casinos I've played poker at ( Vegas, Atlantic City, Chicago,Tampa, Philadelphia) this casino was by far the most bizarre experience.

One time is enough for me 🤣

Food and Drink

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Recent Commerce Casino Reviews

jonwu wrote a review about Commerce Casino in Los Angeles, CA

Stay away

Takes forever to get into game. Tables only 8 handed, what a joke. Everywhere in vegas is back to 9 and 10 handed.... Read More