Off the beaten path of the rest of the casino. It was a long walk from my room through the casino to the room. The poker room itself was nice, spacious.
I played a few different sessions. Here is what to expect at low limit at the Orleans. During the day you have the locals, especially retirees, playing very passively, lots of calls, no value betting whatsoever. People will pay you off with any part of the board. Nice opportunity.
In the evenings the competetion toughens a bit with younger locals and tourists (like me) making up the tables. It should be relatively easy to pick out the dealers and locals with skills just fishing in the low limits and play them carefully while extracting a good profit from lesser players.
I came out behind overall because of two misplayed hands, losing to a bigger full house made on the river and a nut flush to a straight flush. There are no caps on the limit betting when you are heads up, so you can build quite a pot if you like, which is what happend in those cases.
Friendly, helpful in splitting pots, keeping order etc...
Garish uniforms, real old school Vegas, but so is the Orleans.
Were very helpful keeping the games going, visable and helpful all day.
I don't know about the comp program. I was there for a weekend with my wife. They do have a bad beat jackpot, but it is built with extra rake, so not really a comp.