purplehaze wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Friendly Management and Staff

Open room and could be somewhat noisy if the slot machines around it were busy.Loved the material on the tables,Far better than felt! Friendly atmosphere and clientele.

Ranged from experienced to brick and mortar newbies.Several locals looking to check out the new room and qualify for there $20,000 freeroll.

Good,especially John and big Kevin!

Several players were drinking and tipping so our service was frequent with drinks brought promptly!

Mike seems to be a great guy who was putting in long hours to get things up and running.Everyone in this room was very friendly and helpful!

No comp dollars offered but they were giving aways shirts,hats fannie packs etc to celebrate the opening and provided sandwiches for the players at the 9pm tourney I played in.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Very poor mgt

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JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

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