JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Nice friendly room.

It's nothing special, but it's clean. The chairs are standard meeting room chairs. Thye only had 3/6 limit when I was there, but they will spread other games.

My favorite mix, two or three good players, one decent player, and others without any real knowledge. I only played for four hours, and the closest we came to a full table was eight. Still, I did pretty well (up $185 in the short time).

Very friendly, ran a good table, and no need for any table captains. A player or two wanted the job, but it didn't need to be filled.

Seemed okay, but I drink coffee, water, and Red Bull. She came around every 15-20 minutes, which didn't satisfy a lot of players, but they did call for service when someone really wanted it and service was there in under two minutes.

Very knowledgeable, very good at shilling for the game, and quite friendly. Also, they were good at reducing the blinds when we were shorthanded (a single $1 blind in a 3/6 game), so that we'd qualify for the bonuses.

Bad beat was just under $9000 for Aces full of Jacks beaten, and the top high hand was $599 for a royal down to $50 for pretty much any quads. Good poker room rate of $35 weeknights for a room that isn't swank, more like a well kept up Best Western, but the sheets are clean and lots of hot water.

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nokes06 wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Very poor mgt

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JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Nice friendly room.

It's nothing special, but it's clean. The chairs are standard meeting room chairs. Thye only had 3/6 limit when I... Read More