nokes06 wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Very poor mgt

Pretty basic little room upstairs.

I was only there about 15 minutes if that, so can't really assess the competition fairly.

The dealer was very efficient, but he seemed annoyed at the floorperson. Again, I wasn't there long enough to make a fair assessment.

I just drink beer, but the cocktail lady came around as soon as I sat down and delivered it briskly. She wasn't bad looking either.

HORRIBLE! This is why I was only there 15 minutes and why I will never go back and encourage others not to waste their time there. I sat in a 2/4 limit game (only table going) and a few hands in, action is on the big blind. He caps his cards and gets up to go make a keno bet. The dealer asks the floor if he can muck his hand and proceed dealing, but the floor says "hang on" and goes to the keno counter to get the guy. The guy then tells the floor that @#$% be there in a minute and the floor comes back to tell the dealer to hold on till the player comes back. A solid 5 MINUTES pass as we all sit and twiddle our thumbs waiting. He comes back and folds. After the hand I get up to leave and the floor says to me "your leaving already?" I said yes and he asks if its cause of what just happened and I said yes. He then says to that thats too bad. The dealer then says that he would have left too if that he was playing. You could tell that the dealers knew more than the floorperson but couldn't do much about it. Needless to say, I WON'T BE BACK WILL NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE.

Didn't inquire about comps, so not sure what they give.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent The D Reviews

nokes06 wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Very poor mgt

Pretty basic little room upstairs. I was only there about 15 minutes if that, so can't really assess the... Read More

JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Nice friendly room.

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