bennyrb wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

It was New, but had a good time.

It is upstairs, not that hard to find. There was one person, who said the machine noise was a little to much.

I am from texas and play at the Oklahoma casinos. They don't let any of the dealers play their. But in Vegas it was different, if they didn't have dealers playin wouldn't have a full table. Or if the table was full, they would ask one one of the dealers to sit out for a while.

There were usually dealers playing at the table. So help was allways there.

Poker room real close to the bar, so the cocktail waitesses came around alot. Didn't take long to get back to you with your drink. I had a beer in a bottle, so couldn't get that wrong.

The person, taking names was very helpful. They made you feel right at home.

There was a list on the wall for all to see, what the high hands pay. There was one man who hit four fives, while I was playing. His jackpot was fifty dollars.

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