eddiebo wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Props To The Little Guy Downtown

So this place is no Wynn, Caesars or even a Golden Nugget. BUT. . . If that's the type of room you're looking for then go thre. On the plus side, they have large tables there and you don't feel all crammed in.

I've only ever played Tours there but the competition is all over the place.

GREAT. I've played a total of five or six tours here over the past couple of years and these guys/gals are great. Very controled game and VERY few mistakes that I've seen.

Very small room so they were around every 10-15 minutes.

They actually talk to you like you're a real person. Just a good place.

No clue if they even offer any.

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Recent The D Reviews

nokes06 wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Very poor mgt

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JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Nice friendly room.

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