minton wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

The little room that could

It was a really nice room, it isn't technically a room, but it is surrounded by a half wall, and there isn't that much casino noise, since it's close to the buffet, and a bar is right next door.

I really like the decor, there were some really nice poker pictures framed around the place, and it had an over all happy feel

I played some $3/6 kill hold'em, it was mainly players that had busted out of the tourney, and some of the extra dealers, had a lot of fub, had I been sober I probably could have done much better.

The dealers were very nice, and knew what they were doing, the dealers playing at the table were kepping it fun and playing fairly loose to keep the pots big

The VUE bar is about 4 feet from the poker room, and the waitress was in and out of the room and back with you order in no time, I was having to chug my drink when she brought the next one.

They were running the tourney (i didn't play in it some of my friends did and said it was well ran), I did get warned by the floor for dropping the F-bomb, which is a big no-no, it was my fault and there was no trouble after that

I'm not sure, I think it's $1.00/hr comped, but I'm not sure, the booze was flowing, and they had a promo for a cruise and nightly prizes.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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