DaRiddler wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

Fun, friendly room

In general, this small room was a lot of fun. Don't expect Bellagio-like conditions or game choices, but the atmosphere was always relaxed and friendly during my four-night stay. Managers and dealers get to know your name and really make you feel welcome. One downside is that there is usually only one full cash game (3/6 with a full kill) going (although 3 were going at one point on Saturday night).

Played for four nights with my brother over a long Super Bowl weekend. Competition was generally loose/passive every night except for Saturday night.

Dealers at this small room really worked hard, dealt well, and had great senses of humor. A few of them also played in the games when off-duty, which helped keep games full.

Alicia was great, serving drinks promptly and always with a smile. Others were mediocre, but did the job.

The managers were friendly and experienced, and handled all questions politely and correctly. I was impressed with how the managers/dealers got to know my brother and I and greeted us by name upon arriving in the room on our second night there, not what I expected from a Las Vegas poker room.

While there's no hourly comp rate for poker play at the Fitz, the poker room rate and the high hand/bad beat jackpots make up for it. I really enjoyed playing this room, and the poker room rate helped keep our costs down.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent The D Reviews

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Very poor mgt

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JohnDz wrote a review about The D in Las Vegas, NV

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