Poker Tables:
8 Tables
Minimum Age:
nimby wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Dealers with a sense of humor

Smaller room and tables were a little close in some spots making it hard to get our of corners. Chairs were comfortable enough.

Played for a few hours at a 2-6 spread game. Can't say the competition was any better or worse than any other better than any other limit game. Lots of callers chasing draws. Table was a mix of locals and fellow vacationers.

Kept the game rolling and had a great sense of humor. Loved them.

Same cocktail waitress for the entire time I was there. Pretty young woman, very attentive. Probably because the room wasn't too busy at the time, but never had a dry drink for very long.

Can't say I can give them an "excellent" as I didn't really have much interaction except at the front desk to get into the game. But he was friendly and got the 2-6 game going very quickly.

Really no idea, but i have to assume it was pretty standard

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Recent Monte Carlo Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV


A nice, quiet and relaxed room tucked away in a corner of the casino. Having the room away from table games relieves... Read More

Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

Very solid room. It always starts at the top and the room management here is the finest. Dealers are knowledgeable... Read More