Poker Tables:
8 Tables
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highsociety wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Great Escape

I'm banging away in most of the bigger poker rooms in Vegas so I thought I'd switch it up a little and swing over to Monte Carlo to play for a while.

I kinda forgot this is a pretty good place to play. Is it Aria or Venetian? Nope. But it gets you back to playing for more fun which is great!

Admittedly you do feel like you're going back to the 80's and you're going to run into Crockett and Tubbs when you go here, but the room itself is fine. Pretty comfy and the team there was enthusiastic and fun.

The players there are definitely NOT local grinders but they were fun and I picked up a few bucks with a smile. Really had a good time and remembered you're supposed to actually ENJOY playing. Thanks to Monte Carlo for a fun day.

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Recent Monte Carlo Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV


A nice, quiet and relaxed room tucked away in a corner of the casino. Having the room away from table games relieves... Read More

Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

Very solid room. It always starts at the top and the room management here is the finest. Dealers are knowledgeable... Read More