I would give the room a 5 for a budget player looking for a good room to play in except for one very large reason. There were audio issues with the music. It was like a five year old had control over the audio and was constantly turning it up and down every 30 seconds. This drove a few cash players away and drove the tournament players batty.
There were very few easy players, I would say this was one of the stronges low limit tournmants I have played in.
Dealers were fast and professional handling the game well. One dealer made a mistake, but corrected it by counting the pot and realizing his mistake. It was sorted out quickly and professionally with minimal impact to the speed of the game.
Attractive, and able to hold 20 drinks on the tray. :)
We were hoping the cash would be brought by someone wearing a skirt like the WPT tournaments. Instead we got a large friendly room manager. I would give him a five if he was wearing a kilt.
Not offered for tournaments