Poker Tables:
8 Tables
Minimum Age:
Joe Prepper wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Wild weekend Cash play

Room was a smallish and tables cramped. Tables & chairs in good condition.

The holiday 1-2 cash game was wild. A few local grinders at the table mixed with tourists and amateurs. One younger played burned through about $1000 in and hours time. My son who met me for the thanksgiving holiday won about 300 from him and 200 from others who were trying to take down the action from this one player. There were some other maniacs who were frustrated blackjack players tossing money around which I won. Cashed one tournament and final tabled two others but not a very large tourney draw to this room. Didn't like the addon and ante structure but I was staying here and it as convenient. Had a few local older players hunting in the tournaments but mostly tourists and amateurs.

Old dealers with some rather surely attitudes.

Timely drink service.

Standard mlife comps here.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Monte Carlo Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV


A nice, quiet and relaxed room tucked away in a corner of the casino. Having the room away from table games relieves... Read More

Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

Very solid room. It always starts at the top and the room management here is the finest. Dealers are knowledgeable... Read More