Poker Tables:
8 Tables
Minimum Age:
Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

Very solid room. It always starts at the top and the room management here is the finest. Dealers are knowledgeable and personable making for a friendly atmosphere. Beverages come often and the bathrooms and sports book are steps away. Cant go wrong here, try the 2 to 6 limit. Sit back have some drinks, and enjoy the game

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Food and Drink

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Recent Monte Carlo Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV


A nice, quiet and relaxed room tucked away in a corner of the casino. Having the room away from table games relieves... Read More

Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

Very solid room. It always starts at the top and the room management here is the finest. Dealers are knowledgeable... Read More