Poker Tables:
8 Tables
Minimum Age:
pokermonkey wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Monte Carlo is Tops in My Book!

The Monte Carlo room is in very good condition compared to the other poker rooms I have played in on previous trips to Vegas (Binions, Circus Circus). The room has a comfortable feeling and really seems like a nice poker room.

The competition wasn't extremely tough or extremely easy. There was one woman at the table who was really on top of her game, and a very agressive asian man. There was also a kid who was a total card magnet, but not really a very good player. All-in-all, I think the competition was about average.

The dealers I had were all pretty good, but not a lot of personality. One dealer did point out when someone made a jackpot and the player didn't even realize it, which I thought was nice. Too bad the player only tipped the dealer like $10.

Cocktails were pretty good, nothing great. Like your typical casino drinks. Average service, and the waitresses were okay.

Management was good. List was short, and names were called in order, etc. Management also paid out the jackpots quickly, which I thought was good.

Although I wasn't lucky enough to win one of these, the jackpots were amazing. I saw two people win $500 each for hitting good hands. One person hit a 4 of a kind (8's), and another hit a low straight flush. Amazing!

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Monte Carlo Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV


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Adam F wrote a review about Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, NV

Solid room

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