Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
Vegas Cabbie wrote a review about Silverton Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Local Flavor, nice for travelers.

Nice looking room but it's just to darn small. There are plans to add on to it soon after the new Buffet is done and I am one guy that is looking foreward to it.

The Tournaments start @ 9am every weekday & 10 AM every sat. & Sun. 7 PM 7 days a week. Buy in is 33 & 20 for the rebuy during the weeksdays. And 43 & 20 during the Weekends.

On any given day the locals that show up can definitly play some cards. YES a bit loose at times but it makes for some exciting poker hands. The tourny is a new structure which plays down to 1st place and is not unlimited rebuys anymore..just 1 add on/rebuy. A 10 min break after the first 2 blinds but as far as the players go I know of a few tough ones.

Well they got rid of the bad one's and there are still some issues but for the most part they are all trying thee best. The room Mgr. (Jim) in the AM works with them and gets them to fix the problems.

Sometimes early in the AM there is a bit of a delay but all in all an excellent and must I say good looking set of girls. Quick drinks and friendly girls...need I say more.

They listen to your suggestions and keep the room going at a good pace. At times I wish they were a bit more strick in enforcing the rules like the swearing and things but we are all adults....but a rule is a rule and if it is OK to say phuck then lets say phuck for god sake.

The new touney structure takes away comp points to get extra chips at the start of the tourny. So it is different yet strange at the same time. Of course we all must remember that the sole purpose of a tourny is to get some live games keep that in mind and it's all ok.

Overall this room is a good place to sink your teeth into a game of sharks yet some sly old fellows hanging around and a few young whippersnappers also....good luck and lets put em in the air...see ya at 9 tomorrow.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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