Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
bbuffalo wrote a review about Silverton Casino in Las Vegas, NV

No Limit Gold at Silverton

new tables and big comfortable chairs, non- smoking, if all tables are used a little tight, and the ceiling was drafty at times. could be alot worse things to complain about

had both 1-2 and 2-5 nl twice in the four days that i was in vegas. very very few players have ever played nl anywhere else, so they play their own style at the "golden" Silverton. had a couple very good players (watch out for the many bad playing no limit time bombs) easy, dangerous, and won't fold. many will go all in before flop without premium hands

a quiet "room" so dealer personalities were conveyed positively. dealers seemed to concentrate on the nl games that i played in.

very fast service, very often asked, with good memories on what you were drinking.

only played at night since that was when the nl games were spread. friendly, knowledgeable, and very well run room. lists for 2-4, 4-8, and no limit each night with no noticeable problems. i was told that they have tournaments during the day.

$1 per hour- pretty standard around vegas- but for only 20 hours play in nov. you are given a nice logo jacket or pullover

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