Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
JoeD wrote a review about Silverton Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Nice Room, Not Much Action

As you can see in the pictures the new room is finished and open. Pretty nice overall. I do like the casino as a whole, nice fish tanks and decor, nice rustic mountain resort feeling to the place and of course the Bass Shop is pretty cool if you are into fishing. I played 3-6lh for an hour and half waiting for the tourny, one table open, up $160, then played the $45 tourny. Tourny only had two tables, was over in a couple of hours, no cash for me. Not a bad place I will go back. I hope they get more players, more than one or two tables going, at least enough for a decent regular 1-2nl game.

Mostly locals, recognized several from playing at the Orleans, some good, some not. The area around the casino is a newer residential area, nice middle class houses, so I think most of the players live in that neighborhood or an easy jump off I-15 on their way home to the Henderson area. No hard core players just some locals who like to play occasionally.

Pretty average regular guys. They are happy to actually have a real room to work in instead of the floor area they were in previously during the construction. Not much action so you know the tokes are low, no high rollers throwing money around.

Nice once we found them and got them to come around. May have caught them during a shift change or something, was some training going on. I was there more than 30 minutes and a couple of players mentioning they hadn't had a cocktail in a while before the floor made a call. Nice outfits, very cute!!

Seemed ok, only one guy running the room. He was helpful and answered any questions. He also tracked down the cocktail servers for us.

Not sure the details for comps, use your casino palyer's card to get points on the card for the time played.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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